French visit & Concert on Saturday 25 May 2019

A marvellous return visit to our friends in Langon and another brilliant Concert with Le C(h)oeur des Rugueux. The welcome and hospitality from our hosts was truly outstanding and whilst the Concert was the highlight, we also enjoyed two Civic Receptions, a great AfterGlow and wonderful visits to the coastal resort of Arcachon, the wine hub of Saint-Emilion and the city of Bordeaux. 

The Concert was held in the nearby town of La Réole and the impressive venue was the historic Eglise St Pierre. The standing ovation from an enthusiastic audience was testament to the performances of both choirs and singing the national anthems together, followed by Auld Lang Syne with a chorus in French, was a spectacular climax that everyone singing and listening will remember for a very long time!.

See our Photo page for as flavour of our visit and listen to the last rehearsal of La Marsellaise before the Concert.

Many tremendous memories to recall and enjoy - the hallmark of every successful tour!


We Are Opening The Marches Music Concert At Linlithgow Academy


Burns Supper 2019