The Riding Of The Marches 2016 Proudly Present: Four Choirs For A Tenor

On Friday 13 February 2015 the Linlithgow Male Voice Choir will be one of four vibrant, modern and exciting community groups performing a spectacular musical concert that is set to entertain.

Tickets: £10 (£8 seniors & Children)

Available now from The Brunton Box Office or call 0131 665 2240

Venue 1, The Brunton, Musselburgh

With thanks to East Lothian Council for their support

View Programme or Learn More about The Riding Of  The Marches


A History Of Musselburgh's Riding Of The Marches

The Riding of the Marches was first mentioned in the record books in 1682 and customarily takes place every 21 years.

It saw its origins in days when there was great rivalry between landlords who were always trying to encroach on the property of each other.

The Lairds conscripted men to protect their boundaries.

Later the custom became a symbolic ceremony, enacted by elected or appointed men of the burgh, whereby a town champion dressed in full armour and a turf cutter check the 12 points along the boundary of the burgh.

The Honest Toun’s Festival was first held in 1936, when it was decided that the time was right to hold a festival each year as long as it did not impose on the Riding of the Marches.

Special Thanks to all the performers who have given up their time to be here this evening :

Edinburgh Police Choir

Linlithgow RFC Male Voice Choir


Clark Community Choir (Generations Singing Together)

Jamie McBride

Clark’s Concert Party

The Boys’ Brigade Pipers

Fiona Grant-MacDonald

Alexander Muir

Julie Moffat


22nd April 2015 Annual Concert - An International Choral Trilogy


The Club's 25th Annual Burns Supper